Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jason Walter's response

My experience with science fiction has bee fairly limited. I enjoy the genre tremendously and some of my favorite books and movies are SF. Although I watch many SF movies, I have never read a comic book or graphic novel.

The way I define SF is fiction that either uses technology that does not exist or has not been discovered or alternate realities as a base for the work. It seems rather difficult to create a concise definition that encompasses science fiction.

My favorite SF movie would have to be the Matrix and my favorite book of all time is Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.


  1. The reason I chose Angels and Demons is because science plays such a large role in the foundation of the book. The plot entails a man attempting to thwart the plan of a terrorist who is trying to blow up the Vatican with anti-matter. CERN, the lab in switzerland also plays a pretty significant role in the book.

  2. All this is true, but it doesn't answer why it's your "favorite book of all time." Make the case for us!

  3. Before I read Angels and Demons the only books I had ever read for fun were the Harry Potter books. I heard from a friend that Angels and Demons was a great book, so I decided to give it a try.

    From the first page I was completely hooked. The book blends history with science in a way I had never experienced. The concept of Anti-matter was incredibly fasinating to me. Angels and Demons introduced me to the world of physics and ever since, it has been my favorite subject. I also developed a deep interest in the Illuminati and all of the controversial topics the book covered.

    I recognize that much of what the reader is lead to believe is actually fabricated and made up in some parts, but it is fun and interesting none the less.

    Angels and Demons was a thrilling book that kep't me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. Not only did I enjoy reading the book, it introduced me to new passions in my life.

  4. Good job, Jason. Thanks. Had you not heard of antimatter before reading Angels and Demons, or had you just not given it any thought? And have you read Dan Brown's other best seller yet?
