Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Class today?

Do we have class today? I checked the syllabus, and it said that we do. Although I thought we were just watching Dr. Who or something, and the syllabus said something different. I'm so confused.


  1. I am pretty sure we have class today. The syllabus listed the two Dr. Who episodes we are supposed to watch in class today. And I think today is the day that Andy was going to come to class - in the flesh.

  2. I am also confused. I do believe we have class since, as Kenny said, Andy is supposed to be among us in a non-photon/electron form. However, I do not know where we are meeting or what we are doing. So I am just going to go to the usual room and if there is anything we need to know, I figure we will find out there.

    Its a safe bet to say the least. haha.
