Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Preston Dennis' Response

My experiences with science fiction have occurred mainly in tv and film. I read the Watchmen comic and have read one or two Isaac Asimov books back when I was in high school, but for the most part the bulk of my experience in the genre comes from the screen. Star Wars, Star Trek, Back to the Future; all of these movies represent the science fiction heading. The Syfy channel (fka SciFi) has shows like Eureka and Warehouse 13 that also fit into the genre.

My definition of science fiction is a genre that's stories are comprised of imaginary elements that are made to seem possible within the already scientificially established laws of nature. What that means is the elements in a story are imagined but they aren't so far-fetched as to not believe that these elements would be possible at some point in the future.

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