Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wendy's Response

My cinematic expereinces with science fiction started with watching Luke Skywalker play Cowboys and Indians with Darth Vader. It then progressed to Star Trek: Voyager, X-Files, the rest of the Star Trek franchise, and even a few episodes of Quantum Leap. Bookwise, it was Flowers for Algernon which got me started, then Ender's Game, the Dune series, several of Asimov's Robot Stories, the Foundation series, and several Philip K Dick yarns.

For me, science fiction is anything that puts a new spin on technology and cultural/political ideology--how either or both can affect society--and how humans or aliens respond. But it can also include other elements like adventures, sappy romances, and history.


  1. Which Philip K. Dick novels (or stories) did you encounter, Wendy?

  2. I've read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" and "Man in the High Castle"--although the latter confused the heck out of me.
