Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Accelerated Age of SF

I strolled across this review of River of Gods that was pretty interesting. The article takes a look at how SF has entered into a so called "Accelerated Age" since 9/11. The article also gives a little more insight into the process that Ian McDonald goes through when writting his novels.


  1. Hmm...that's pretty ineresting, Cory Doctorow is also grouped into this "Accerlerated Age" school. Also, it is going to be really exciting to see how India evolves and grows over the next few decades...Of course nobody truly has a handle on how the future will play out, but I wouldn't rule out McDonald's scenario as a possibility...

  2. It is quite interesting. I never would have thought to group all those authors together, but seeing them grouped as such makes sense now. As does labeling the decade the "Accelerated Age" for SF
