Wednesday, October 21, 2009

About which one was stronger Sunlight or rock

I really liked the Kessel stories. I especially love contrast between the social environment seen in "Stories for Men" and "Sunlight or Rock". With the Society of Cousins, Erno has no power or control but at least he can be recognized for his brilliance with the biotech stuff and has the basic necessities of life. When he is banished to a different colony, he is free from women's control (though he still has no control over anything) but his life sucks.

Would it have been better for him to die at the end of "Stories for Men" then have to continue on as he does in "Sunlight or Rock"? Would it have been better if he could have lived the rest of his life as a Cousin without Tyler's influence?


  1. I don't know if anyone caught it, but Tyler Durden is the same anarchistic character Brad Pitt played in Fight Club. That was kind of funny but sort of ruined the story for me because I knew Erno would wind up being screwed in the head.

    But I also think that he was better off meeting Tyler, instead of just living out the rest of his life as a pampered pet. Ignorance is bliss, but only to a certain extent.

  2. I agree, I think he was better of for meeting Tyler Durden. At least he gained some measure of an identity, not just as a man, but as an individual.

    I also agree about the character being named Tyler Durden. I feel that it was too recent a character to reference, and that it did in a sense spoil the story because of the preconceptions I had. Maybe if those expectations had been played against me I would have been more okay with it, I don't know, but I'm happy someone else posted that.

  3. I think he was better off meeting Tyler, too. And I think it was better for him to other places than to die. He was able to experience freedom for the first time, and have to chance to live his life the way he wanted to.
