Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Space Travel at a Price

In this scifi show I'm watching, there is a species of aliens that is really advanced but doesn't have the power to travel through space. Instead, they agree to became the pilot of a ship (btw the ships are alive) in order to see the stars. As a result, they only live about a third of their normal live spans (because they die when the ship does) and have to be completely subservient to the other people on the ship. Also, I'm pretty sure they can never go back home or leave the ship at all. It's a lot to give up, but many members of the planet are willing to become pilots.

I'm not sure if I would want to give up so much for what seems like so little a gain. Maybe if I had more control, then I would do it even if it meant I would die sooner and that I could never come home. I just don't think I would want other people to have such control over me as the pilot does in the show.

So what would be an acceptable price to pay to travel amoungst the stars? What would you be willing to give up?


  1. That sounds like an interesting show. What show is it?

    As to the questions, it is hard to judge what the value of interstellar flight actually is. And it depends on the situation, if Earth (or wherever you are) is a total dump (and I literally mean a complete dump), it would be worth it to get a fanciful life for 30 years instead of living through a hellish life for 90 years.

    In the situation I am in now, I would not pay that price. Although, if I had all of my needs taken care of, I would give up everything except my girlfriend and the full course of my life (as far as duration is considered) for interstellar flight.

  2. It's from Farscape. Really cool show, btw.
