Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Against The Current

I really enjoyed reading this story, and it got me thinking about what I would do if I was in his situation.

Spoilers below!

How would you deal with traveling backwards in time uncontrollably? I don't think I would be as calm about it as he was, or as accepting. It would be so upsetting and depressing to know that you would never see your family and friends again, that nothing would ever be the same. I would be freaking out, not just going for a drive.

His reactions in the beginning and middle parts of the story were much more understandable. His confusion when things just don't seem right, and his fear when he realizes what is actually going on is exactly what I would feel. As is his hopelessness when he finally understands that he can't do anything to stop this backwards progression. It's the acceptance that bothers me, because I don't think I could ever just accept that I couldn't do anything. How do you just accept that your life is over, and nothing will ever be the same, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it?


  1. I agree, I think that the protagonist's surrender in the end does sour the tale. But over all, I think this story was far better than "The Time Traveler's Wife". Whatever notion of science was thrown out the window for the sake of romance and a happy ending. At least this story does not commit that fallacy.

  2. Haha I have not seen Time Traveler's Wife, but have heard much of the same thing sp8dysense. I agree with both of yall that it is strange that he just accepts his fate. So many emotions would be running through my head, and I would either break down or try everything I can to go back to normal. I would never accept something like that.

  3. Have you all accepted aging yet? If so, how could you ever accept something like that?
