Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SIAP Coen Brothers to direct Yiddish Policemen's Union Movie

I thought that this is pretty cool. They should do an excellent job


  1. Hopefully it does not post this twice because it just erased everything I wrote. If it does, I apologize.

    I think the Coen's are a great match to direct this movie. 2 of my favorite movies were produced by the Coens (O Brother and Burn After Reading). I think they will be perfect for the Yiddish Policeman's Union. I especially liked their use of color correction in O Brother. I think it would be a great technique to use in YPU. It has kind of a post-modern, no-hope-for-this-character kind of tone and feel that I think could be complimented by color correction. Maybe its just me.

  2. I myself am a Coen Brothers fanatic. Yet Burn After Reading and Fargo kind of left me kind of borderline about some of their narrative styles. Hopefully, they can retain the novel's colorfulness without making it too zany.

  3. Fargo I thought was brilliant, and beautifully acted; Burn After Reading I thought was a mess, and the acting was as over-the-top as everything else. I'd love to hear an argument, John, for the brilliance of Burn After Reading, however off-topic it would be. But mostly I love the Coens and look forward to this movie a lot. I'd really love to hear you elaborate, John, on the topic of color correction, as I suspect that's something many of your classmates haven't thought about. Feel free to start a new thread on it.
