Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Laws of Survival"

"Laws of Survival" is probably my favorite story for this week, although it may be tied with "Roxie." I couldn't help but think of what would happen if I were put in that position, having to train dogs or be killed. I have had dogs of all sorts since I was a child and haven't succeeded in getting any of them to obey me.

Does anyone know what the grubs were? What was their purpose?

I also find it very funny that advanced life forms came to earth, and the only thing they found worthwhile to take back with them were dogs.

And on a final note: I'm not sure how well I believe that the protagonist was able to "forget" or mentally block-out her past, even having a child! I understand that she might lose touch with humanity slightly, but that seemed a little far fetched. But I guess it may just be one of things you can't understand until you're in that position.


  1. yeah I also found that hard to believe. I understand that sometimes people's brains block out traumatic experiences but having a child seems like something no one could block.

    I thought it made sense that the aliens would come for the dogs. It seemed like the aliens were looking for companions and watching earth they found the animal that was most loyal and easiest to train. Humans wouldn't be my choice for either. We are a stubborn bunch and pretty selfish.

  2. The most interesting portion of that story to me was the protagonist's interactions with the two machines. She figured out how to manipulate language to both get the information she needed from the 'bots and to help herself.

    I also like how the Blue machine learned the phrase "why the hell not?" for suggestions made by the protagonist which didn't obviously violate his programming.
