Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Very Strange Dream

Here's a dream I had that can only have come from science fiction.

One dream was about New Year's day, and how the world seemed to be coming to an end. It was apparent that this happened every year. There were thick clouds on teh ground obscuring views to the right and left and directly overhead. If you could look out ahead, and sort of 'under' the clouds above you, you could see a fast aurora borealis that looked like liquid tubes of flourescent xenon gas whipping back and forth and around and through one another. Then it was dark and clear and the sky passed overhead as though the earth were spinning very quickly. Travelling on the inside surface of the sky were bright, colorful, teaming shapes that transformed into alien ships (only once or twice in a form recognizablle to humans, i just 'knew' that they were alien ships or maybe the aliens were the ships). Sometimes there were ships and sometimes just exclusively aesthetic displays of colour and energy: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and some in-between color mixes. The way the figures were passing overhead was as if they were telling a story of their civilization; the displays were not aliens, but a sort of light show that aliens sent to appear in our sky for each new year to tell us that they existed. Different civilizations told different stories. Apparently, this has always happened, and I had just discovered how to see it. At the end (I don't remember the specific ending) there was more light from more directions than that for which the sun could be responsible, and the air seemed to be saturated beyond capacity with light.

This is similar to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, as well as Dave Bowman's experience in 'Beyond the Infinite' more so in the book (2001: A Space Odyssey) rather than the movie.

Any ideas about this or reactions to it?

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