Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Last Contact

Here's an article from Newscientist that expands a little on the science behind Baxter's short story:

"Phantom menace' may rip up cosmos

Stand by for a nightmare end to the Universe - a runaway expansion so violent that galaxies, planets and even atomic nuclei are literally ripped apart. The scenario could play out as soon as 22 billion years from now.

"Until now we thought the Universe would either re-collapse to a big crunch or expand forever to a state of infinite dilution," says Robert Caldwell of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. "Now we've come up with a third possibility - the 'big rip'."

Whether the big rip happens or not depends on the nature of the mysterious dark energy that is pulling the Universe apart. We know that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up, but most physicists assume the acceleration is likely to stay constant or get weaker over time.

But Caldwell takes a different view. He thinks the dark energy causing the expansion could be growing more powerful. "We call it phantom energy," he says. "It's pretty weird stuff."

Shrink to a point

Under the influence of phantom energy, the runaway expansion of the Universe would become ever more violent, stretching more and more of the Universe further and further away until the light from the stars cannot reach us.

"Every observer sees the visible Universe around them shrink ever faster, eventually down to a point," says Caldwell. For all practical purposes, the Universe will have ended.

The existence of phantom energy has always been a possibility - even if a pretty unlikely one. But astronomers have tried and failed to rule it out. In particular, detailed measurements released in February of background radiation left over from the early Universe leave the door open.

Now, in a paper submitted to Physical Review, Caldwell and his colleagues at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena have calculated how phantom energy would bring the Universe to an end. They found that as the phantom energy grows, its repulsive force becomes strong enough to rip all bound systems apart, starting with galaxy clusters and rapidly moving down the scale to galaxies, stars, planets and atoms.

Caldwell says he was surprised by the violence of the Universe's end - the received wisdom was that an ever-expanding Universe should end with a whimper. "In the last moments, even atomic nuclei will be ripped apart," he says.

Final millisecond

In the most extreme scenario, the big rip will happen 22 billion years from now, with the Milky Way destroyed 60 million years before the end and atoms torn to pieces in the final 10-19 seconds (see graphic).

"If humanoids survive, they could observe all but the final millisecond," adds England's Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, who has also considered the possibility of phantom energy. "That's when the cosmic repulsion gets up to the tensile strength of our bodies and tears us apart. It's unlikely, but it can't be proved impossible."

Astronomers' best bet for working out which fate is in store for the Universe is the Supernova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP), a satellite proposed for launch later this decade. SNAP will make detailed measurements of thousands of supernovae, to pin down exactly how fast they are moving away from us and hopefully work out how dark energy is changing over time.

Most physicists probably will not be rooting for phantom energy. That is because if it exists, it will cause them all kinds of theoretical headaches. For example, Einstein's theory of gravity predicts the existence of minuscule wormholes - short cuts through space-time.

Normally they snap shut so fast we never notice them. But phantom energy's repulsive gravity would be powerful enough to hold wormholes open, and perhaps even push them wide enough apart for spacecraft to use them for faster-than-light travel. "This raises the spectre of time machines and all their paradoxes, which physicists find very uncomfortable," says Caldwell."


  1. Very interesting stuff I must admit. But that sounds kinda funny to me. The universe is a violent place, don't get me wrong, but ripping apart in the sense of just shredding seems out of place with the phenomena and occurrences we have seen already.

    But hey, sometimes sci-fi becomes reality, so you never know if the big rip might happen. Would be one hell of a way to go, thats for sure.

  2. Wow, I had no idea that any of this was possible. It's really fascinating, even if the thought of the world violently ripping apart and knowing about it before hand freaks me out.

  3. That is pretty crazy stuff. Hopefully we will not succumb to this fate any time soon. The more I learn about physics the weirder it gets.

  4. I bet the sun would give out long before the universe starts ripping apart or drifting into nothing-ness (which I think is the other possibility for the end of the universe).

    I thought most people called it dark energy though? Or is that something different?
