Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Interesting Star Wars video

So I'm sitting here, not feeling too well (hopefully just a cold, probably shouldn't be up this late as is), and in my stupor I stumble across this funny little clip on Collegehumor:
(Yes, I realize I didn't embed the link correctly. My bad :O)

It's a bunch of Stormtroopers looking back on the day that the Deathstar was destroyed. You'll probably find out what they're alluding to very soon upon watching this, if you haven't already. Anyways, I just thought it was a neat video in that it was using all of the sci-fi conventions of Star Wars as an allegory for an actual historical event.

This is something we haven't really touched on as much, how can one use sci-fi for humor? What sort of sci-fi tropes yield themselves as tools for satire, and what are some good examples?

Anyways, I'm off to bed, hopefully these nanomachines in my system will defeat whatever ails me.

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